
INEC Boss, Yakubu Assures Readiness for Bayelsa, Imo, and Kogi Governorship Elections

The Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Prof Yakubu Mahmoud, has provided a comprehensive update on the commission’s preparations for the upcoming off-cycle governorship elections in Bayelsa, Imo, and Kogi States, as reported by NIAJA UPDATE.

In less than 24 hours, 5,169,692 Nigerians who collected their Permanent Voters’ Cards (PVCs) in the affected states will participate in the crucial electoral process to choose their next governors.

Prof Yakubu emphasized the historic nature of these elections, marking the first time in Nigeria’s history that governorship elections are held concurrently across three geopolitical zones: North Central (Kogi), South East (Imo), and South-South (Bayelsa).

In a personally signed statement, Yakubu urged both regular and ad hoc INEC officials to uphold the highest levels of patriotism and professionalism, reiterating that the Commission remains impartial and devoid of any political affiliations or candidates.

“The responsibility of INEC is to safeguard the electoral process and ensure a level playing field for all political parties and candidates,” he affirmed. “The choice of who becomes the Governor of Bayelsa, Imo, and Kogi States is entirely in the hands of voters.”

Providing details on the logistical and operational aspects, he stated, “All sensitive and non-sensitive materials for the elections have been delivered. 

The Bimodal Voter Accreditation System (BVAS) has been configured for deployment to polling units, serving as the sole means of voter verification and fingerprint/facial biometric authentication.”

He assured that polling unit results would be promptly uploaded to the INC Result Viewing (IRe) portal. Furthermore, all election-duty officials have undergone training, and arrangements have been made for both land and maritime transportation to ensure timely commencement of voting.

For effective coordination, the INEC boss disclosed the deployment of two National Commissioners, nine Resident Electoral Commissioners (RECs), and Administrative Secretaries (ASs), along with additional staff from various states to support the electoral process. 

These officials will be strategically placed across the senatorial zones in the three states.

Yakubu stressed the collaborative nature of successful elections, acknowledging the multi-stakeholder responsibility involved. He emphasized the commission’s commitment to conducting free, fair, credible, and inclusive elections while calling for the collective effort of all stakeholders.

Assurances from security agencies regarding a secure environment for electoral activities, coupled with the commitment of political parties and candidates who have signed the peace accord under the auspices of the National Peace Committee, were highlighted as key components contributing to the smooth conduct of the upcoming governorship elections. The INEC chairman concluded by urging everyone involved to maintain peace and fulfill their roles conscientiously, thereby contributing to the consolidation of democracy in Nigeria.

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