
External Auditor Appointed to Scrutinize LP’s Accounts, Announces Peter Obi

The Labour Party’s 2023 presidential candidate, Peter Obi, has disclosed that an external auditor has been enlisted to thoroughly examine the party’s financial records. 

This decision comes in the wake of recent allegations made by Oluchi Opara, the national treasurer of the Labour Party, accusing Julius Abure, the party’s national chairman, of misappropriating a staggering sum of N3.5 billion.

Addressing the media during a press briefing in Abuja, Peter Obi underscored the necessity of transparency and accountability within the party. 

“We will account for everything,” he asserted firmly, emphasizing the paramount importance of an independent assessment to chart the course forward.

The turmoil within the Labour Party escalated on Monday when Opara levied serious allegations against Abure, prompting swift counteractions from the party hierarchy. 

Opara’s suspension was promptly announced, with party officials attributing her accusations to external influences purportedly aiming to destabilize the LP.

In a robust defense of his integrity, Abure vowed to pursue legal recourse against Opara for what he deemed as defamation of character. 

The internal strife within the party reached a critical juncture as factions rallied behind their respective leaders.

However, Peter Obi’s intervention injected a semblance of clarity and direction into the tumultuous situation. Alongside Aisha Yesufu, a prominent member of his 2023 campaign team, Obi reiterated his detachment from the day-to-day management of the party and its campaign finances.

“I’m not involved in the party’s management and the campaign accounts,” Obi stated unequivocally, elucidating that funds received during the election were meticulously managed in anticipation of potential challenges.

 “We now have an independent person who will tell us which way forward,” he added, alluding to the appointed external auditor tasked with scrutinizing the party’s financial transactions.

With a resolute call to action, Obi urged members of the public possessing pertinent information regarding the alleged financial irregularities to come forward. 

The pursuit of truth and accountability, he emphasized, is paramount to restoring faith in the Labour Party’s integrity and credibility.

As the external auditor prepares to delve into the intricate web of financial dealings, the Labour Party braces itself for a period of introspection and reform. 

Peter Obi’s commitment to transparency serves as a beacon of hope in navigating the party through turbulent waters, reaffirming the principles of accountability and ethical governance.

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