
No Repentant B’Haram Fighter Returns to the Trenches, Borno Assures

The Borno State government has emphatically reassured the public that none of the over 160,000 repentant Boko Haram insurgents has reverted to their former ways of violence against the Nigerian state. 

This affirmation aims to allay growing concerns among the populace regarding the potential resurgence of terror in the North-East due to the fear of ex-combatants returning to armed insurgency.

Addressing the public during the presentation of survivors, victims, and de-radicalized women of Boko Haram, Zuwaira Gambo, the Borno State Commissioner for Women Affairs and Social Development, provided categorical assurances regarding the commitment of the repentant insurgents to their pledge of repentance. 

She underscored that no individual among the more than 160,000 repentant insurgents has shown signs of reneging on their oath of allegiance to peace.

According to Commissioner Zuwaira, the reintegration process has already successfully absorbed over 70,000 repentant insurgents back into their respective communities. 

She affirmed the transparency of the repentance process, emphasizing the solemn oath-taking ceremony conducted with the Holy Quran as a testament to their commitment to peace. Each individual, she explained, swears before a committee comprising traditional rulers, religious leaders, and government officials, ensuring accountability and deterrence against recidivism.

Zuwaira further emphasized the gravity of reneging on the oath, asserting that the repentant insurgents are acutely aware of the consequences of breaking their pledge, including the risk of being targeted by their former comrades-in-arms. 

She shed light on the demographics of the repentant insurgents, revealing that a significant majority were initially coerced into terrorist activities, primarily as forced laborers rather than active combatants.

Governor Babagana Zulum echoed these sentiments, confirming that while Boko Haram remnants still exist, their capacity for harm has significantly diminished. 

He affirmed the notable improvement in the security situation within Borno State, attributing it to concerted efforts by security agencies and government initiatives aimed at rehabilitation and reintegration.

As the state government continues its endeavors to address the multifaceted challenges posed by terrorism, the assurance provided by Borno State officials seeks to instill confidence in the public and reaffirm the commitment to sustainable peace and security in the region.

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