
Wizkid Responds to Fans’ Queries Regarding Absence of New Music Release

Popular Nigerian music icon and Grammy award-winning superstar, Ayodeji Balogun, known globally as Wizkid, has taken a moment to respond to the curiosity of his dedicated fanbase, who have been eagerly anticipating new music from the artist.

In his response, Wizkid revealed that he is presently on a well-deserved vacation, enjoying a break from his busy schedule

. During this hiatus, he indicated that he might not be making a return to the music scene for a considerable period, hinting at a possible hiatus lasting up to four years. The artist, affectionately called Big Wiz by his fans, expressed his desire to use this time off to explore various interests outside of the music realm.

Intriguingly, Wizkid shared his plans to indulge in sporting activities during this extended break. Specifically, he mentioned his intention to immerse himself in activities like golf or basketball, suggesting a deliberate effort to diversify his experiences and perhaps find inspiration in unexpected places.

This announcement from the music sensation has left fans both surprised and intrigued, eagerly speculating about what the future might hold for one of Nigeria’s most celebrated musical talents.

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