
Why we gave Bobrisky ‘Best Dressed Female’ award at movie premiere – Eniola Ajao

Nollywood luminary, Eniola Ajao, has shed light on the rationale behind the surprising choice of popular crossdresser Bobrisky for the coveted “Best Dressed Female” award at the recent premiere of her movie, ‘Ajakaju’.

Controversy stirred vigorously in the wake of Bobrisky’s announcement as the recipient of this unconventional accolade at the glamorous event held in Lagos over the weekend. 

The decision raised eyebrows and provoked a flurry of reactions across social media platforms.

In a candid interview with Arise TV, Ajao candidly disclosed that the award was, in fact, a strategic move intended to generate buzz and spark conversation surrounding the movie. 

She elucidated, “It was all in good humor. Our aim was to ignite discussions about the film and ensure it captured the public’s attention. Hence, we orchestrated the Best Dressed Female award to be conferred upon Bobrisky, given his notorious penchant for controversy.”

Ajao emphasized that the decision was made collectively by her team, with the intention of ensuring the film received ample exposure. 

“We wanted to inject an element of surprise into the premiere and what better way to do so than by honoring someone as controversial as Bobrisky? 

Although the outcome was polarizing, it undeniably achieved our objective of getting people talking,” she remarked.

The actress further urged against directing unwarranted criticism towards actor Femi Adebayo, who had the role of presenting the award. 

She clarified that Adebayo was merely fulfilling his duties and was not involved in the decision-making process. 

“It’s important to clarify that Femi Adebayo’s involvement was solely procedural. He played no part in the selection of the award recipient. Therefore, chastising him is unwarranted and unjust,” she appealed.

Despite the mixed reactions and ensuing debate, Eniola Ajao remains resolute in her conviction that the unconventional choice for the Best Dressed Female award served its purpose in garnering attention for her movie. 

As the controversy gradually simmers down, the focus shifts back to ‘Ajakaju’, eagerly awaited by fans and critics alike for its cinematic prowess and storytelling brilliance.

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