
Why I Support S3x Before Marriage – Nollywood Actress Tosin Adekansola

Nollywood actress Tosin Adekansola has boldly expressed her support for premarital sex, challenging societal norms that often frown upon such discussions. 

Adekansola argues that it is essential for intending couples to explore their sexual compatibility before taking the plunge into marriage, believing that understanding each other intimately can contribute to a stronger marital foundation.

Adekansola shared her perspective in a recent interview with the well-known media personality, Debbie Shokoya, shedding light on her unconventional stance and advocating for a more open discourse surrounding relationships and sexuality.

The actress contends that one of the root causes of infidelity in marriage lies in sexual incompatibility.

 By endorsing the idea of sexual exploration before marriage, she believes couples can potentially avoid such pitfalls and build a more harmonious and fulfilling life together.

“Sex before marriage is good. Test the thing before getting married. Because some women are fornicating while still married because their husband can’t perform in bed or is too overactive in bed,” Adekansola asserted, emphasizing the importance of assessing sexual compatibility as a proactive measure.

Her viewpoint challenges traditional societal norms that often discourage open discussions about sex, particularly before marriage.

 Adekansola’s advocacy for testing compatibility aligns with a growing shift towards destigmatizing conversations around sex, relationships, and the expectations placed on individuals within the confines of marriage.

As discussions on sexual liberation gain momentum, Adekansola’s stance adds a unique perspective to the ongoing dialogue. 

The idea that sexual compatibility can be a contributing factor to the success or failure of a marriage is a viewpoint that resonates with an evolving societal landscape.

In her interview, Adekansola encourages a more nuanced approach to relationships, urging individuals to consider the complexities of human connection beyond societal norms. 

By openly addressing the topic, she aims to challenge the stigma associated with premarital sex and foster a more understanding and supportive environment for couples navigating the intricacies of intimacy.

As the conversation surrounding sex before marriage continues to evolve, Adekansola’s advocacy prompts reflection on the importance of communication, consent, and mutual understanding within relationships. 

Whether society embraces or resists this shift, the actress’s perspective underscores the need for an inclusive and non-judgmental discourse on the multifaceted aspects of human relationships.

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