
“Why I Exhumed my Mother’s Body for Reburial,” Says Portable

Nigerian musician Habeeb Okikiola, better known as Portable, has shed light on the startling decision to exhume his late mother’s body for reburial. 

Widely recognized for his hits, including the popular track ‘Zazu,’ Portable recently made headlines for the unexpected act of relocating his mother’s remains.

Addressing the perplexing decision in a video that swiftly went viral on various social media platforms, Portable offered a candid explanation for his actions. 

He revealed that the motivation behind the exhumation stemmed from a deeply personal and pragmatic reason—the land where his mother had been laid to rest had been sold.

“I lost my mother at the tender age of 13,” Portable shared, his voice laced with emotion as he recounted the pivotal moment. 

“I made the decision to exhume her body and reinter her because the land where she was initially buried had been sold off.”

The gravity of Portable’s revelation resonated across digital landscapes, prompting a mix of shock, empathy, and curiosity from his legion of fans and critics alike. 

For many, the idea of disturbing a loved one’s final resting place seemed unfathomable, yet Portable’s circumstances painted a poignant picture of the complexities of life, particularly in a rapidly changing society.

Delving further into his reasoning, Portable disclosed aspirations that extended beyond mere practicality.

 He expressed a desire to honor his mother’s memory in a tangible and enduring manner, envisioning the construction of a grand mansion atop the newfound burial site.

“My mother meant everything to me,” he confessed, his words tinged with reverence. “By reburial, I am ensuring that she remains close to me, even in death.

 I plan to build a magnificent mansion on the very spot where I laid her to rest anew—a testament to her enduring legacy and the love that she instilled in me.”

Portable’s decision, while unconventional, underscored the lengths to which individuals are willing to go to preserve familial ties and honor cherished memories. 

In a society where traditions intersect with modern realities, his actions ignited a discourse on the evolving nature of grief, remembrance, and the pursuit of personal fulfillment.

As the story continues to reverberate across media platforms, Portable’s journey serves as a poignant reminder of the intricate tapestry of human experience—a tapestry woven with threads of love, loss, and the unyielding bonds that endure beyond the confines of mortality.

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