
Why I Embraced Islam: Mercy Aigbe

Nollywood actress Mercy Aigbe has shed light on the personal reasons behind her conversion from Christianity to Islam, sharing the intimate details of her spiritual journey. 

The celebrated actress, now known as Hajiah Amminah, opened up about the profound love that led her to embrace her husband’s faith in a recent interview with TVC.

Mercy Aigbe’s decision to convert to Islam came to the forefront following her marriage to filmmaker Kazeem Adeoti in 2022. 

In her candid conversation, Aigbe emphasized that her choice was rooted in love, highlighting the deep connection she shares with her husband. She expressed the sentiment that her husband’s love was a driving force in her decision, transcending religious boundaries.

“I love my husband so much. I don’t think any woman would have gone through what I went through if it wasn’t for love. 

I didn’t have to. I meant I’m comfortable; I have kids. So, it is because of love that I remarried,” Aigbe shared, offering a glimpse into the emotional foundation of her journey to Hajiah Amminah.

Aigbe, renowned for her roles on the big screen, revealed her innate inclination towards love and emotions, stating, “I’m such a lover girl. I’m very emotional. I love love.” Her decision to convert to Islam was a personal one, driven by her admiration for her husband’s religious commitment and a desire to strengthen their connection.

“When it comes to religion, I’m a very liberal person. I love my husband so much, and he is a very religious person. So, I just felt that after COVID-19, I was already struggling with going to church, so I just decided to follow my husband’s religion,” she explained, shedding light on the practical considerations that played a role in her choice.

The actress, now navigating her identity as Hajiah Amminah, emphasized the positive impact of her conversion on her marital bond.

 “Converting to Islam made our bond tighter and sweeter. And it’s exciting for me because I’m learning the religion [Islam], and at the end of the day, we are serving one God,” Aigbe shared, emphasizing the unity that transcends religious differences within her family.

Mercy Aigbe’s journey reflects the complexities of love, faith, and personal growth. Her willingness to share this intimate aspect of her life provides a glimpse into the multidimensional nature of her identity. 

As she embraces a new chapter in her spiritual journey, Aigbe’s story resonates with those who navigate the delicate balance between personal beliefs, societal expectations, and the enduring power of love.

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