
Why I can’t date or marry man that can cook – Hilda Baci

Renowned Nigerian chef Hilda Effiong Bassey, popularly known as Hilda Baci, has articulated why she categorically refuses to date or marry a man who possesses culinary skills. 

The former Guinness World Record holder, whose culinary prowess is widely celebrated, opened up about her unique perspective on relationships and the role of cooking within them.

In a viral podcast video that has been circulating on various platforms, including X (formerly Twitter), Hilda Baci expressed her unwavering preference for a partner who does not share her proficiency in the kitchen. 

Contrary to conventional expectations, she explained that her love for cooking is so profound that she does not desire a man who could potentially outshine her culinary talents.

“I don’t want a man that knows how to cook. I don’t want it. I like cooking so much. My friends would tell you, like Hilda would show you love, she will send you food. You will cook for you. That’s kind of one of the things I like to do for people that I care about, especially for my man,” Baci asserted in the video.

For Hilda Baci, cooking is not just a skill; it’s a demonstration of affection and care. She detailed how she finds joy in preparing meals for her loved ones, going as far as stating that she would willingly wake up in the middle of the night to fulfill a food request from her significant other.

 Her culinary offerings become a tangible expression of love and consideration.

One of the distinctive facets of Baci’s love language emerged when she revealed, “You can wake me up in the middle of the night and say, ‘Babe, I want a doughnut. I want meat pie.’ And I’m flying to the kitchen to make it for you. That’s my thing. I want a man that can order me food. If you don’t have a problem with ordering me food, I’m in love.”

This revelation adds a fascinating layer to the dynamics of relationships, challenging societal norms that often associate a man’s ability to cook with qualities of care and partnership. 

Hilda Baci’s preference underscores the diversity of individual desires and emphasizes the significance of understanding and respecting unique preferences within romantic partnerships.

As the video continues to circulate, Hilda Baci’s perspective has sparked conversations about unconventional relationship expectations and the importance of embracing diverse expressions of love within the ever-evolving landscape of modern relationships.

 The culinary maestro’s bold stance serves as a reminder that, in matters of the heart, each individual’s preferences are as varied and nuanced as the flavors in a well-prepared dish.

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