
Tinubu Inherited a Country in Coma – Dapo Abiodun

In a candid assessment, Governor Dapo Abiodun of Ogun State has acknowledged that President Bola Tinubu assumed leadership in a country that was teetering on the edge of a crisis, describing the inherited administration as nearly comatose. 

Despite the challenges, Governor Abiodun expressed confidence in the resilience of the Tinubu administration and its potential to lead Nigeria to a brighter future.

Speaking on Channels Television on a Sunday broadcast, Governor Abiodun underscored the bold and audacious steps taken by President Tinubu to navigate the complexities of the inherited situation.

He highlighted the imperative nature of the decisions made by the administration at that crucial time, emphasizing that such decisive actions were necessary to prevent the country from descending into further chaos.

“The President Bola Ahmed Tinubu administration has been very bold and audacious,” Governor Abiodun affirmed, acknowledging the necessity of taking strong measures to avert potential crisis. 

He added, “But knowing fully well, they either did that then or the country would be brought to its knees.

 Like they said, there can’t be any gain without pain. He has inherited an administration that was almost comatose.”

Governor Abiodun’s plea for patience from Nigerians resonates with the acknowledgment that transformative changes require time and perseverance. 

In urging citizens to endure the current challenges, he echoed the proverbial saying that there can be no progress without facing and overcoming adversity.

“You know our President… is also an accountant,” Governor Abiodun pointed out, highlighting President Tinubu’s financial acumen and strategic thinking. 

The governor’s optimism shines through as he declared, “We are very hopeful, and we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.”

The metaphorical tunnel represents the challenges facing the nation, and the hopeful perspective espoused by Governor Abiodun suggests that the Tinubu administration is steering the country towards a positive transformation. 

The acknowledgment of the inherited difficulties serves as a foundation for understanding the complexities of governance, emphasizing the need for decisive action and strategic planning to address the nation’s deep-seated issues.

As Nigeria navigates the path forward under the leadership of President Tinubu, the governor’s words serve as a reminder that transformative change requires resilience, strategic decision-making, and the collective patience of the citizenry. 

The journey toward a revitalized and prosperous nation may be arduous, but Governor Abiodun’s optimism signals a belief in the potential for positive change under the stewardship of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu.

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