
Terry G Alleges: Portable Copied My Style, But Not My Music

Gabriel Oche Amanyi, renowned in the Nigerian music scene as Terry G, has stirred up controversy by alleging that his fellow artist, Portable, emulated his persona but failed to replicate his musical prowess.

In a candid discussion on the latest episode of ‘The Honest Bunch’ podcast, Terry G asserted that Portable imitated aspects of his “character” but fell short in capturing the essence of his musical artistry.

“Portable adopted certain traits from my persona, particularly in terms of behavior and demeanor,” Terry G revealed.

 “However, he did not delve into the musical dimension of my artistry. Music encompasses more than just vocal delivery; it involves mastery of instruments, which Portable did not prioritize in his emulation.”

Terry G’s remarks shed light on the intricate nuances of artistic influence and imitation within the music industry. 

While acknowledging Portable’s attempt to replicate certain aspects of his persona, Terry G emphasized the distinction between superficial mimicry and genuine musical innovation.

Reflecting on his past conflicts within the industry, Terry G also addressed his altercation with colleague AY. Com, shedding light on the controversy surrounding the production and performance rights of the song “Pass Me Ur Luv.”

“I engaged in a dispute with AY. Com regarding the song ‘Pass Me Ur Luv,'” Terry G disclosed. 

“I not only produced the track but also contributed vocals, including the hook and a verse. Therefore, I assert my right to perform the song at my shows, especially considering that I was not adequately compensated for my production efforts.”

Terry G’s candid revelations underscore the complexities of artistic ownership and creative disputes within the Nigerian music scene. 

As artists navigate the intricacies of inspiration and imitation, Terry G’s experiences serve as a testament to the importance of upholding artistic integrity and asserting one’s rights within the industry.

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