
Angry Mob Kills Two Policemen in Edo as Tensions Flare

Two police operatives, Inspector Abubakar Fakku and Sergeant Elisha John, met a horrifying end at the…

Police Recover N50m Stolen from Mr Ibu, Charge Son and Lover to Court

Detectives at the Force Criminal Investigation Department Annex in Alagbion, Ikoyi, Lagos, have successfully recovered N50…

Police Clear Man of Manhood Theft Allegations

The Cross River State Police Command’s Criminal Investigation Department (CID) in Calabar has officially absolved Mr.…

Police Thwart Robbery Attempt in Lagos, Apprehend Suspect with Firearm

The Lagos State Police Command have successfully thwarted a potential robbery in progress, leading to the…

Nollywood Actor Azeez Ijaduade Reportedly Shot by Police in Ogun

Azeez Ololade Ijaduade, a renowned Yoruba actor and director, has allegedly fallen victim to a police…

Police Rescue Four Abducted Anambra Siblings

In a swift and determined operation, the Anambra State Police Command successfully rescued four siblings who…

Lady Found Dead in Lagos Hotel, Boyfriend Vanishes

A yet-to-be-identified female adult was discovered dead in a hotel located in Morogbo, in the Badagry…

Retired Police Superintendent, Sunday Ogwo Okpalle, Reduced to Begging Amid Financial Struggles

Once a towering figure with a robust build that betrayed his years as a Two-Star Traffic…

Police Deploy Armed Operatives and Intensify Patrols in Kano Ahead of Planned Protests

In anticipation of the scheduled protests by the All Progressives Congress (APC) and the New Nigeria…

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