
AFCON: Nwabali’s Triumph Garners Hero’s Welcome at Chippa United

Stanley Nwabali, the esteemed Nigeria goalkeeper, basked in a warm reception as he returned to his…

AFCON 2023: Nwabali’s Chippa United Declares Solidarity with Nigeria in Finals

In a spirited display of camaraderie and allegiance, Chippa United, the esteemed football club of Super…

AFCON 2023: Peseiro Delivers Crucial Injury Update on Nwabali

In the lead-up to the highly anticipated 2023 Africa Cup of Nations quarter-final clash against Angola,…

AFCON: ‘You Go Play Abi You No Go Play,’ Nigerians Ask Nwabali

Stanley Nwabali’s stellar performances at the ongoing African Cup of Nations (AFCON) in Ivory Coast have…

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