
Stop taking mkpurummiri’ – Gov Uzodinma to Imo youths

In a concerted effort to address the pervasive issue of drug abuse among the youth, Governor…

Gov Uzodimma Approves Extension of Imo Teachers’ Retirement Age to 65

Imo State Governor, Hope Uzodimma, has officially endorsed a bill that adjusts the retirement age for…

Imo LP Governorship Candidate Warns of Democracy Erosion Amid Alleged Election Manipulations

The Labour Party’s gubernatorial candidate in Imo State, Senator Athan Achonu, expressed deep concern on Saturday,…

INEC Boss, Yakubu Assures Readiness for Bayelsa, Imo, and Kogi Governorship Elections

The Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Prof Yakubu Mahmoud, has provided a comprehensive…

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