
Shehu Sani Urges Muslims and Christians to Pray and Fast for the Naira Amidst Ongoing Depreciation

In the face of the persistent depreciation of the Naira, former lawmaker and outspoken social critic Shehu Sani has issued a call to action to both Nigerian Muslims and Christians, urging them to join in prayer for a miraculous turnaround in the currency’s fortunes.

Through a message posted on his social media platform, Sani implored adherents of both faiths to devote their prayers specifically to the cause of the Naira’s stability. 

He delineated a strategic approach, suggesting that Muslims focus their supplications on Friday, while Christians do so on Sunday. 

With unwavering conviction, Sani prophesied a miraculous intervention by the following Monday, promising a divine response to the collective pleas of the faithful.

“Let Muslims pray for the Naira this forthcoming Friday, and let Christians follow suit on Sunday. 

A miraculous turnaround shall be witnessed by Monday,” Sani declared, exuding confidence in the power of divine intervention to rectify the prevailing economic woes.

 Yet, he cautioned that if the anticipated miracle failed to materialize within the stipulated timeframe, believers should embark on a seven-day fast as a testament to their unwavering faith and commitment.

The urgency of Sani’s plea stems from the alarming decline in the Naira’s value, as evidenced by recent fluctuations in the foreign exchange market. 

According to reports, the Naira plummeted to N1,740.00 per US Dollar on Tuesday, marking a stark contrast from the previous day’s rate of N1,660.

 Despite this disheartening trend, there emerged a glimmer of hope with a notable surge in US Dollar supply at the official foreign exchange market, which increased by a staggering 76.61 percent to $117.32 million.

Data from FMDQ further underscored the evolving dynamics, revealing a notable uptick in FX turnover from $66 million on Monday to $117.32 million on Tuesday. 

This influx of foreign currency facilitated a marginal appreciation of the Naira, which saw its value rise to N1,551.24 per US dollar on Tuesday, marking a positive deviation from the downward trajectory observed since the previous Thursday.

The significance of this modest recovery cannot be overstated, as it represents a rare instance of respite amidst the prevailing economic turbulence. 

For many Nigerians, the appreciation of the Naira at the official foreign exchange market serves as a beacon of hope, offering a glimmer of optimism amid the prevailing uncertainty and apprehension.

In the wake of Shehu Sani’s impassioned appeal, the collective prayers and fasting of Muslims and Christians alike stand as a testament to the enduring faith and resilience of the Nigerian people. 

As they unite in fervent supplication for divine intervention, they embody the timeless adage that faith can move mountains, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. 

Only time will tell whether their collective efforts will yield the desired outcome, but one thing remains certain: in times of adversity, the power of prayer transcends boundaries and offers solace to the weary soul.

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