
Shallipopi Denies N9 Million Payment for ‘Streaming Farm,’ Calls Allegations Fake

Crown Uzama, widely known as Shallipopi, a prominent singer, has addressed accusations suggesting that he paid N9 million to acquire “fake streams” in an attempt to artificially boost his songs on digital music charts.

The claims emerged when an emerging artist, Ebaide, accused a music influencer of scamming her by taking money with the promise of enhancing her music streams but failing to deliver on the service. 

Ebaide further asserted that the influencer had performed a similar service for Shallipopi, allegedly for the sum of N9 million.

In response, Shallipopi took to his X handle to dismiss the allegations as “fake.” 

He attributed the claims to individuals seeking attention and characterized them as baseless. 

In his statement, Shallipopi wrote, “Fake!! Y’all looking for attention with the wrong contents and think it’s right? 9m wey I go take chill make I leave Plutomanias to dey stream!! 

Anyways your Karma is coming.”

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