
S’East Insecurity: Shettima Backs Non-Kinetic Approach as Vital Solution

Vice President Kashim Shettima has thrown his support behind the adoption of a non-kinetic approach to address the escalating insecurity in the South East region of the country. 

This endorsement adds a significant dimension to the ongoing efforts of security agencies already engaged in various strategies to counter the rising threats in the region.

The Vice President articulated his stance during a courtesy visit to the Presidential Villa by a delegation led by the Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Benjamin Kalu. 

The visit was organized by the Peace In South East Project (PISE-P), with the primary purpose of presenting a proposal and extending an invitation to the Vice President for the inauguration of their project. 

This initiative proposes a non-kinetic solution to the complex security challenges gripping the South East.

VP Shettima, in explaining the merits of embracing a non-kinetic strategy, asserted that such an approach could prevent the region from descending into an interminable and devastating conflict. 

He declared, “Unless we want to engage in an endless war of attrition, a non-kinetic solution to the crisis in the South East must be explored and deployed. 

The most atrocious of wars are at the end of the day sorted out on the negotiation table.”

Highlighting the importance of building bridges and reaching out to the youth population, Shettima emphasized that empowerment is the key to resolving the crisis, agitation, and insecurity in the South East. 

He stated, “It is how you build bridges that will determine how far you go as a people and society. We have to reach out to the youths; we have to empower them. Once we empower them, the crisis, the agitation, and insecurity will vanish.”

Deputy Speaker Benjamin Kalu echoed these sentiments in his address, underscoring the imperative of a non-kinetic strategy to effectively tackle the security concerns in the South East. 

The emphasis on dialogue, empowerment, and inclusivity as tools for resolving the crisis reflects a growing awareness of the multifaceted nature of the challenges faced by the region.

As the nation grapples with the intricate issue of insecurity, the endorsement of a non-kinetic approach by Vice President Shettima stands as a significant development in the pursuit of sustainable solutions. 

The proposed strategy not only offers an alternative to the prevailing methods but also underscores the importance of addressing the root causes and engaging with the affected communities. 

The journey towards stability in the South East is fraught with challenges, but the commitment to a non-kinetic approach signals a potential turning point in the quest for lasting peace and security in the region.

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