
Real Estate Mogul Hajiya Rakiatou Receives Prestigious Nollywood Cultural Award

In a momentous ceremony held at the 2023 Nollywood New Yam Festival in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), renowned Nigerian real estate entrepreneur and philanthropist, Hajiya Rakiatou Bagnou Beido, was bestowed with the title of “Ijele Nwanyi” of African Culture. 

The event, which took place in Abuja, celebrated Beido’s exceptional contributions to African culture and the Nollywood industry.

Hajiya Rakiatou Bagnou Beido, the CEO of Kiara Properties Ltd, stood alongside other distinguished individuals, including Julie Chigozie Ugoagu, who was honored as “Odiukonamba 1” of African Culture. 

The award citation commended Beido’s significant role in enhancing the unity and advancement of African culture and the Nollywood sector.

“Ijele-Nwanyi,” an Igbo term denoting a dignified Priestess on an eternal odyssey, encapsulates the essence of Beido’s recognition. 

Chief Agility Onwurah, the national coordinator of the Festival and CEO of Agile 247.Com, emphasized the importance of celebrating those who contribute to the growth of the Nollywood industry and preserve cultural heritage. 

He underscored the festival’s role in promoting cultural identity despite the influence of westernization.

In her gratitude-filled response, Hajiya Beido expressed her delight over the honor and pledged unwavering dedication to initiatives fostering peaceful coexistence among Nigerians. 

She highlighted the significance of the accolade, describing it as a testament to the watchful eyes observing her societal contributions. 

Beido emphasized the value of cultural identity in uniting diverse regions of Nigeria, emphasizing the importance of upholding their shared heritage.

Hajiya Rakiatou Bagnou Beido, as the CEO of Kiara Properties Ltd, has earned recognition for her expertise in property development, construction management, real estate investments, and facility management. 

Additionally, she serves as the Vice President (North) for Asiwaju Women Cooperative Society (AWCS) and is a dedicated humanitarian, focusing on aiding orphans and the less privileged.

Beido’s prestigious award stands as a testament to her commitment to both her professional endeavors and her philanthropic initiatives, further solidifying her legacy as a prominent figure in the Nigerian business and cultural landscape.

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