
Portable and Baby Mama Unfollow Each Other Following Controversial Interview

The tumultuous relationship between Nigerian singer, Portable, and his fourth baby mama, the renowned actress Ashabi Simple, has taken a new twist as the two celebrities have unfollowed each other on Instagram.

The spark that ignited this public fallout can be traced back to a controversial interview featuring Ashabi Simple, where she raised eyebrows by referring to Portable as her husband. 

This unexpected revelation became the epicenter of a social media storm, leading to a cascade of events that would expose the cracks in their seemingly unbreakable bond.

Responding to the interview that set the internet abuzz, Portable took to his Instagram story in a viral video on Monday.

 In a dramatic rebuttal, he not only denied the marriage claim but went a step further by categorizing Ashabi as nothing more than a side chick in his life, rather than a wife.

The ensuing public dispute gained momentum when Portable decided to address the matter on various social media platforms, making it clear that he wanted no association with the relationship narrative that Ashabi had painted. 

The singer’s attempt to set the record straight only intensified the media frenzy surrounding their personal affairs.

In a swift and decisive move, Portable and Ashabi unfollowed each other on Instagram, signaling a clear break in their digital connection. 

A cursory check on both their respective pages reveals the absence of the once visible virtual link between the two celebrities.

The unfollowing act, a symbolic gesture in the digital age, speaks volumes about the depth of the discord between Portable and Ashabi. 

It reflects a stark departure from the unity that was previously on display on their social media profiles, where pictures of shared moments and affectionate captions once filled the digital landscape.

The aftermath of this online fallout has left fans and followers puzzled, with speculations and rumors circulating about the true nature of their relationship. 

The drama continues to unfold as supporters of both Portable and Ashabi eagerly await further developments and potential revelations that may shed light on the intricacies of this celebrity clash.

As the digital dust settles, one can’t help but wonder if this unfollowing episode marks the end of an era for Portable and Ashabi or if it’s merely a transient storm in the tempestuous sea of celebrity relationships. 

Only time will tell whether these two public figures will reconcile or if this is the beginning of a new chapter in their tumultuous journey.

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