
Police Rescue Four Abducted Anambra Siblings

In a swift and determined operation, the Anambra State Police Command successfully rescued four siblings who were abducted by suspected herdsmen. 

The rescue mission, initiated upon receiving distressing information, culminated in the safe return of the children to their grateful parents.

The harrowing incident unfolded on December 15, 2023, around 23:00 when the police at Abagana received an urgent call through the police hotline, alerting them to the abduction of four children from a family residing in Achalla village, Enugwu Agidi, in the Njikoka Local Government Area of Anambra State.

Tochukwu Ikenga, the command’s spokesman, detailed the unfolding events in a press statement issued on Saturday.

Ikenga recounted the mother’s chilling account, stating, “The family was watching television at about 10 pm when the light suddenly went out. The man of the house went out to find out what was amiss, and the wife followed him. They observed three gunmen suspected to be herdsmen and fled for their dear lives. By the time they summoned the courage to return to the house, they discovered that their four children who were already asleep had been abducted by the gunmen.”

Responding swiftly to the distress call, the state Commissioner of Police, Aderemi Adeoye, directed the immediate mobilization of police personnel and vigilantes to track down and rescue the kidnapped children. 

The concerted effort led to the discovery of the children on December 16, close to Urum, approximately 25 kilometers away from their home in Achala village, Enugwu-Agidi.

The four siblings, aged 13, 14, 21, and 21 years, were successfully rescued and joyfully reunited with their relieved parents. The police, in their official statement, highlighted the ongoing efforts to apprehend the armed herdsmen responsible for the abduction. The dragnet for the suspects is being extended to neighboring communities, reinforcing security measures to prevent any recurrence of such heinous acts.

The successful rescue operation underscores the proactive and determined approach of the Anambra State Police Command in safeguarding the lives and well-being of the residents.

 As communities grapple with the security challenges posed by criminal elements, such prompt responses serve as a testament to the commitment of law enforcement agencies in ensuring the safety of the populace. 

The incident, while traumatic for the affected family, serves as a reminder of the importance of community vigilance and collaborative efforts to combat criminal activities in the region.

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