
Police Clear Man of Manhood Theft Allegations

The Cross River State Police Command’s Criminal Investigation Department (CID) in Calabar has officially absolved Mr. James Ekpenyong Igaja of the accusations surrounding the alleged theft of Mr. Mpokutu Monday Sampson’s manhood. 

Following a meticulous investigation, the police concluded that there was no evidence to support the claims against Igaja.

The accused, a resident of No 3b Edem Edet Street, Calabar, found himself entangled in a bizarre accusation of manhood theft, a charge he vehemently denied from the outset.

 The police, after conducting a thorough examination of the matter, declared Igaja innocent of the alleged crime.

Expressing relief upon his exoneration, Igaja decided to extend forgiveness to Mr. Sampson, the claimant who had accused him of the heinous act. 

In a statement to the press, Igaja denounced the allegations as false and dangerous, potentially triggering mob action against him.

“With the consent and approval of my family, I have decided to forgive and forget the case willingly without duress from the police,” Igaja declared during the media briefing.

To formalize the decision to put the matter to rest, Igaja submitted an affidavit of facts, officially withdrawing the case at the High Court in Calabar. 

This legal document signifies the end of the legal dispute, indicating that both parties have chosen to move on from the controversy.

The initial accusation, made on September 6, 2023, by Mr. Sampson, who resides at No 9 Ekeya Street, Calabar, alleged that Igaja stole his manhood through diabolical means.

 However, with the police investigation determining no merit in the claim, it became evident that the case lacked substance.

The exoneration and subsequent forgiveness underline the importance of thorough and impartial investigations to ensure justice prevails. 

The resolution of this peculiar case in Calabar serves as a reminder of the potential consequences of false accusations, not only on the accused but also on the community at large. 

The decision to forgive and move forward, as demonstrated by Mr. Igaja, reflects a commitment to peace and reconciliation despite the turmoil caused by the initial accusations.

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