
PDP Decries Benue’s Descent into Anarchy Under Governor Hyacinth Alia’s Leadership

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Benue has raised alarm over what it perceives as a troubling trajectory toward anarchy under the current administration of Governor Hyacinth Alia. 

In a strongly worded statement issued by its spokesperson, Bemgba Iortyom, the party condemned the indefinite suspension of the Kwande Local Government Area (LGA) Chairman of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Terdoo Kenti, and members of his Executive Committee.

Iortyom characterized the suspension as an aberration, laying bare what the party sees as a disregard for democratic norms and a display of leadership incompetence by Governor Hyacinth Alia. 

The move to suspend the APC chairman and his executive team was met with disdain by the APC’s state chapter, and PDP views it as a manifestation of the unsettling state of affairs in Benue.

The spokesperson, Mr. Iortyom, minced no words in expressing the party’s concerns, stating, “The suspension of Mr. Kenti is part of the dictatorial tendency of Alia to subvert constitutional order in the state.” 

This assertion reflects the PDP’s assertion that Governor Alia’s leadership style is undermining the democratic fabric of the state, raising questions about the adherence to constitutional principles.

PDP’s scrutiny extends beyond the specific suspension incident, encompassing a broader concern for what it views as a growing trend of authoritarianism under Governor Alia. 

The party contends that the suspension, deemed “bizarre” and dismissed by the APC, is emblematic of a larger issue, reflective of the governor’s approach to governance.

In a notable commentary on the suspension ordered by Revd. Fr. Hule in Kwande, Mr. Iortyom remarked, “PDP observes that while the bizarre suspension order by Revd. Fr. Hule in Kwande is shocking, it apes precisely the lawless style of his master, the governor, in Makurdi.” 

This statement underscores the party’s assertion that the suspension is not an isolated incident but indicative of a broader pattern of governance that PDP finds troubling.

The party goes on to express regret that such actions contribute to a growing perception that individuals, particularly Catholic priests like Revd. Fr. Hule, may be unsuitable for political leadership within the context of the state’s liberal democratic framework. 

This perspective adds a layer of complexity to the party’s concerns, intertwining issues of governance with broader societal perceptions.

As the PDP voices its apprehensions regarding the state’s trajectory, the situation in Benue appears increasingly precarious. 

The party’s condemnation of what it sees as a dictatorial tendency under Governor Hyacinth Alia underscores the need for a careful examination of the evolving political landscape in the state.

 In the midst of these concerns, the delicate balance between democratic principles and the exercise of political authority comes sharply into focus, prompting a deeper reflection on the future of governance in Benue.

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