
Organ Harvesting: Nigerian Government Vows Strict Measures

In a response to an alarming newspaper investigation titled “Inside Abuja’s Kidney ‘Market’,” the Coordinating Ministry of Health and Social Development, Prof. Ali Pate, has pledged to implement stringent measures to curb criminal activities within the health sector.

 Expressing condemnation for the depravity and criminality exposed in the investigative report, Prof. Pate emphasized the government’s commitment to tackling the systemic issues plaguing certain sections of society.

Addressing the grim revelations outlined in the newspaper’s investigation, Prof. Pate underscored the urgent need for decisive action against the illicit practices that were brought to light. 

He stated, “The development revealed the depth of depravity and criminality prevalent in sections of the society.” The minister’s acknowledgment of the pain suffered by victims resonated with a sense of responsibility to rectify the injustices uncovered.

Highlighting the legal framework available to address such issues, Prof. Pate referred to the National Health Act (NHA) of 2014, specifically sections 51-56, which unequivocally prohibit illegal organ harvesting and trafficking. 

Emphasizing the importance of strict enforcement, he underscored the need to combat evasion of legal and regulatory guidelines by individuals engaging in these unpatriotic and criminal activities.

Drawing parallels between this form of criminality and others within society, Prof. Pate articulated the shared responsibility of citizens in upholding the rule of law. 

He called for collective efforts to combat these acts of criminality and underscored the importance of public vigilance.

The minister shed light on the government’s dedication to enhancing regulations, pointing to the recent inauguration of the Tertiary Hospitals Care Standards Committee as evidence of proactive steps taken to address systemic issues. 

Prof. Pate stated, “There is a sound policy and legal framework that enables regulation of health practice in Nigeria, including medically necessary transplantation.”

In addition, the minister emphasized the role of the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria (MDCN) in enforcing standards for medical professionals. 

He assured the public that the MDCN was actively working towards ensuring that medical practitioners adhere to the highest ethical standards.

However, Prof. Pate acknowledged that the regulation of hospitals largely falls under the purview of state governments. 

Urging state governments to intensify their efforts, he called on them to enhance oversight and ensure that healthcare facilities within their domains undergo rigorous checks to prevent illicit activities.

As the Nigerian government vows to implement strict measures to combat organ harvesting and criminal activities within the health sector, the collective hope is for a comprehensive and sustained effort that ensures the protection of citizens and the integrity of the nation’s healthcare system.

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