
One Year Anniversary: 10 Controversial Moments in Tinubu’s Administration

President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s administration has marked one year in office, a period filled with both achievements and controversies. 

Despite the celebration, the government has faced several challenges and controversies that have marred its first year. Here are ten of the most controversial moments in Tinubu’s administration:

1. Chaotic Ministerial Screening

Building a competent team was a major promise during President Tinubu’s campaign, with references to his successful tenure as the governor of Lagos State. However, the ministerial screening process proved tumultuous. 

The sudden removal of Maryam Shetty before her screening and the last-minute addition of Festus Keyamo created an impression of disorganization within the administration. 

The screening debacle of former governor Nasir El-Rufai, along with issues concerning the NYSC certificates of four nominees, further underscored the perception of a lack of preparation. 

Changing ministerial portfolios just before inauguration was seen as another sign of disarray.

2. Betta Edu Controversy

The suspension of Minister of Humanitarian Affairs Betta Edu was a significant test for the administration’s stance on corruption. Edu, a close ally of President Tinubu, was implicated in several scandals shortly after taking office. 

Revelations about the mismanagement of over N500 million, approved by her ministry into private accounts, brought embarrassment to the administration. 

The swift suspension of Edu and the ensuing review of the ministry’s activities highlighted the government’s attempt to address corruption, though the scandal had already tainted its image.

3. Presidential Yacht Allocation

The allocation of billions for a “presidential yacht” by the Navy drew significant criticism.

 While the administration clarified that the yacht was not for the president’s luxury, the timing and optics of the purchase, amidst economic hardships for ordinary Nigerians, portrayed the government as insensitive. 

This incident contributed to a growing narrative of disconnect between the presidency and the populace.

4. Dubai Visa Announcement

A diplomatic misstep occurred when the administration prematurely announced the lifting of a visa ban by the UAE. Celebrations ensued, with many Nigerians hopeful for renewed travel opportunities. 

However, international and local media quickly debunked the announcement, revealing it as false. This episode damaged the credibility of the administration’s communication team.

5. Seyi Tinubu’s Use of Presidential Jet

Seyi Tinubu, the president’s son, stirred controversy by using a presidential jet to attend a polo match in Kano. 

Critics condemned the use of state resources for personal leisure, adding to concerns about nepotism and the influence of the president’s family in governmental affairs.

6. Breakdown of Presidential Jets

Technical issues with the presidential fleet became a public embarrassment when President Tinubu had to charter a commercial flight from the Netherlands to Saudi Arabia. 

Vice President Kashim Shettima also canceled a foreign trip due to his jet needing repairs. 

Opposition lawmakers ridiculed the administration, and an investigation into the status of the presidential fleet was launched by the House Committee on National Security and Intelligence.

7. COP28 Delegation

The administration faced backlash over its large delegation to the COP28 climate summit in Dubai, including figures with no clear role in climate change advocacy. 

With 1,411 delegates, one of the highest at the summit, the government’s expenditure was criticized amidst Nigeria’s economic struggles. 

The president later announced cuts to his travel entourage, acknowledging the public’s concerns.

8. Coastal Road Project

The N15 trillion coastal road project from Lagos to Calabar, touted as a legacy project, was embroiled in controversy. 

Disputes over the road’s alignment led to demolitions and disruptions for many homeowners and businesses. 

The government’s decision to revert to an old alignment due to marine cable presence sparked further criticism, with opposition figures condemning the handling of the project.

9. Cybersecurity Levy Confusion

The implementation of a cybersecurity levy demonstrated a lack of coordination within the administration. 

The National Security Adviser’s order and the CBN’s circular mandating a 0.005% levy on transactions faced public outrage. 

The House of Representatives intervened, calling for a halt and review of the policy, which the president eventually suspended, reflecting administrative disarray.

10. Fake News from the Villa

The administration’s communication team frequently embarrassed the government with inaccurate statements. 

Notable errors included falsely claiming President Tinubu was the first African leader to ring the NASDAQ closing bell and announcing a debunked $600 million investment.

 Recently, conflicting statements from the president’s spokespersons regarding his address to the National Assembly added to the perception of a poorly managed communication strategy.

As President Tinubu’s administration moves into its second year, addressing these controversies and improving governance will be crucial for regaining public trust and achieving the promised transformation of Nigeria.

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