
Muslim Group Calls for Arrest of Cleric Seeking Remi Tinubu Killed

The Muslim Media Watch Group of Nigeria (MMWG), an assembly of Muslim professionals across various disciplines, has unequivocally demanded the immediate apprehension and prosecution of an Islamic cleric who advocated for the assassination of the First Lady, Mrs. Oluremi Tinubu, solely because of her Christian faith.

Expressing their concerns through a statement signed by the National Coordinator, Alhaji Ibrahim Abdullahi, and disseminated in Abuja, the group urged security agencies to take swift action following the dissemination of a viral video containing the cleric’s inflammatory rhetoric. 

In the eyes of MMWG, such behavior epitomizes the worst elements within Nigerian society and contradicts the tenets of true Islamic scholarship.

“In this critical juncture of our nation’s history, it is imperative that irresponsible, unrepentant, and unpatriotic individuals are prevented from exploiting religion to sow discord in Nigeria,” emphasized the MMWG.

Reflecting upon Islamic teachings concerning relations with Jews and Christians, the group reiterated that the Holy Qur’an categorizes them as Ahlul-Kitab, or “The People of the Book,” and mandates Muslims to coexist with them in harmony and serenity. 

This term encompasses those who adhere to the scriptures revealed to Prophet Moses (Al-Taorah) and Jesus Christ (Injil, The Bible).

“Neither the Holy Qur’an nor Hadith condone the harming or killing of Jews, Christians, or any unbelievers. God commands us to continue living together in peace and concord,” the statement elucidated.

Highlighting a historical precedent during the lifetime of the Holy Prophet Muhammad in Madina, MMWG recalled an instance where Christians were permitted to worship within the Prophet’s Mosque during a communal gathering that fostered unity between Muslims and Christians.

In addition to calling for the swift resolution of this particular case, MMWG appealed to the Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA) to institute measures aimed at addressing deviant Islamic preachers nationwide, thereby restoring integrity to Islamic propagation. 

The group emphasized the need for Muslim leaders to utilize the corrective mechanisms within the NSCIA to curb the audacity of individuals masquerading as clerics.

Despite the provocative and condemnable nature of the cleric’s remarks, MMWG urged President Tinubu and his spouse, Oluremi, to remain undeterred and focused, reminding them that every society has its share of undesirable elements. 

Emphasizing the efficacy of existing legal frameworks, the group expressed confidence in the nation’s ability to uphold peace and order while dealing decisively with troublemakers and their collaborators.

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