
Labour Party Grapples with Internal Turmoil as Treasurer Demands Accountability for N3.5bn

A new wave of discord has erupted within the Labour Party (LP) as Mrs. Oluchi Oparah, the party’s National Treasurer, escalated tensions on Monday by calling for transparency in the handling of party finances. 

Oparah publicly demanded that the National Chairman, Julius Abure, provide a detailed account of funds exceeding N3.5 billion, purportedly generated from the sale of forms and various fundraisers for the 2023 general elections.

Addressing the media at a press conference in Abuja, Oparah lamented the lack of accountability and oversight regarding the substantial sum amassed by the party. 

She accused Abure of obstructing her constitutionally mandated role in managing the party’s finances, asserting that he has consistently rebuffed her attempts to access financial records.

“Good morning, ladies and gentlemen of the press. I stand before you today with a heavy heart and a sense of duty to the principles of transparency, accountability, and justice,” Oparah began solemnly.

 “With great reluctance and deep concern, I am compelled to publicly address the media regarding the egregious financial mismanagement and corruption that have plagued our beloved party under the leadership of Mr. Julius Abure, the current National Chairman.”

As the LP’s National Treasurer, Oparah expressed her dismay at the breakdown of internal governance mechanisms, which she believes have failed to hold Abure accountable for his alleged misconduct. 

She pointed to his unchecked power ambitions and deliberate efforts to undermine her authority and responsibilities outlined in the party’s constitution.

“His appetite for power has grown unchecked, and he has deliberately undermined my duties and authority as stipulated in the party’s constitution,” Oparah asserted, highlighting the magnitude of the breach of trust within party ranks.

Furthermore, Oparah condemned what she perceives as a culture of secrecy surrounding the management of party finances, particularly in the aftermath of the closure of expression of interest and nomination form sales for the 2023 general elections. 

She emphasized the urgent need for transparency and accountability to uphold the integrity of the LP and restore confidence among party members and the public.

“It is imperative that Mr. Abure fulfills his obligation to the party and its members by providing a comprehensive breakdown of financial transactions and expenditures,” Oparah insisted, urging for swift action to address the allegations of financial mismanagement.

As the LP grapples with internal turmoil and mounting scrutiny, Oparah’s bold stance signals a pivotal moment in the party’s quest for accountability and ethical leadership. 

The resolution of this crisis will not only determine the party’s future trajectory but also underscore the broader importance of transparency and integrity in Nigeria’s political landscape.

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