
Joke Silva Advocates for the Enormous Benefits of a Healthy Sex Life

Renowned Nollywood actress Ajoke Silva has emphasized the significant advantages of maintaining a robust sex life within marriages.

Speaking in the latest episode of the Africa Magic docuseries, The Arbors Forever After, Silva dispelled the misconception that older women are less sexually active than their younger counterparts.

Silva expressed her disapproval of the idea that women lose interest in sex and childbearing after menopause.

She urged women not to succumb to this notion, highlighting the availability of supplements and lubricants to enhance and revitalize their sexual experiences.

In response to the belief that men become more polygamous and seek younger partners as they age, Silva dismissed it as “a load of crock.”

Contrary to such stereotypes, she argued that women post-menopause experience a newfound relaxation, free from the use of chemical substances for contraception or fertility.

Silva emphasized, “Once you’ve gone through menopause, number one, you’re more relaxed. You’re not taking anything chemical—none of that. And then you’re not taking chemicals for pregnancy. So, you’re saying you’re comfortable [not being sexually active]. You’re so much more relaxed. There are things for dryness. Lubricants for both parties.”

The veteran actress encouraged couples to explore supplements and lubricants to maintain a vibrant and fulfilling sex life, challenging outdated beliefs about age and sexuality.

Silva’s advocacy aims to empower women to embrace their sexuality at every stage of life, fostering a more positive and open conversation about intimacy in relationships.

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