
I Recommended Peter Obi to Atiku in 2019,” Reveals Reno Omokri

In a revelation that has stirred political intrigue, former presidential aide Reno Omokri disclosed his pivotal role in recommending Peter Obi as the running mate to Atiku Abubakar during the 2019 presidential election. 

Speaking candidly during a podcast interview on Mic On, Omokri shed light on the behind-the-scenes dynamics that shaped the selection process.

Omokri recounted how Atiku approached him for assistance in choosing a suitable running mate, a request he took seriously given the significance of the decision. 

Drawing from his political acumen and network, Omokri proposed Peter Obi as a formidable candidate for the role. 

He emphasized the depth of his involvement in the selection process, indicating that former President Jonathan corroborated his recommendation of Obi.

However, Omokri’s involvement extended beyond mere suggestion; he actively participated in shaping the perception around Obi’s candidacy. 

By strategically presenting Obi’s credentials and qualities in a favorable light, Omokri ensured that his recommendation carried weight in Atiku’s final decision.

Despite his pivotal role in Atiku’s campaign, Omokri’s loyalty remains unwavering.

 He vehemently declared his allegiance to Atiku, affirming that he would not lend support to any opposing candidate, including President Bola Tinubu, in the upcoming 2027 presidential election. 

Omokri’s steadfast commitment to Atiku underscores the depth of their political alliance and the bonds forged during the 2019 campaign.

Interestingly, Omokri’s stance does not preclude him from acknowledging the merits of Tinubu’s economic recovery policies. 

Despite ideological differences, Omokri acknowledges the positive strides made by Tinubu in certain areas, demonstrating a nuanced approach to political discourse.

The revelation of Omokri’s pivotal role in Atiku’s campaign offers a glimpse into the intricate web of alliances and strategies that define Nigerian politics. 

As the nation navigates the complexities of electoral politics, the role of influential figures like Omokri serves as a reminder of the behind-the-scenes machinations that shape political outcomes.

In the ever-evolving landscape of Nigerian politics, Omokri’s revelation underscores the enduring influence of key individuals and the enduring bonds of loyalty that define political allegiances. 

As the country looks ahead to future elections, the legacy of alliances forged in past campaigns will continue to shape the trajectory of Nigerian politics.

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