
‘I Don’t Drink Alcohol, Trying to Quit Smoking’ – Charly Boy

In a candid revelation, veteran singer Charles Oputa, famously known as Charly Boy, opened up about his lifestyle choices, affirming that he abstains from alcohol and is currently grappling with efforts to quit smoking. 

The 73-year-old maverick artist, in a recent interview with actress Iyabo Ojo, shared insights into his health-conscious approach and the ongoing battle against smoking addiction.

Charly Boy made it clear that contrary to assumptions about individuals in the entertainment industry, he does not consume alcohol regularly. 

Although he admitted to occasionally enjoying a bit of alcoholic wine, he emphasized that he is not a habitual drinker. 

Reflecting on his overall fitness, he attributed it to a combination of genetic factors and a lifestyle rooted in physical well-being.

“I was lucky enough to form the habit of always going to the gym and looking after my physical well-being. 

You know, people in the [entertainment] industry have a lot of things speculated about them. But I don’t drink. I’ve never drunk [alcohol] in my life. 

Except you add a small wine to it sometimes when I feel like socializing [laughs],” Charly Boy shared.

Despite his commitment to a healthy lifestyle, Charly Boy candidly discussed his ongoing struggle with nicotine addiction. 

Acknowledging the adverse effects of smoking on his well-being, he disclosed his attempts to quit and the challenges he faces in maintaining abstinence.

“I’m trying to give up my nicotine [smoking] habit. Because it’s really not good for me. The longest I’ve abstained, I think, was about seven years. 

I’ve been having battles with it back and forth. I quit sometimes, I come back,” he admitted.

This revelation provides a glimpse into the personal battles and choices faced by one of Nigeria’s iconic figures. 

Charly Boy’s transparency about his efforts to maintain a healthy lifestyle, despite the challenges, adds a humanizing touch to his larger-than-life persona. 

As he continues to navigate the complexities of addiction, his story serves as a reminder that even public figures grapple with personal struggles and choices on the journey to well-being.

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