
Hardship:  ‘I miss Buhari’ – Comedian MC Pashun

Renowned comedian, MC Pashun, has recently voiced his nostalgia for the days of former President Muhammadu Buhari amidst the prevailing economic hardships. 

While acknowledging the economic challenges during Buhari’s tenure, MC Pashun remarked that the situation has deteriorated further under the current administration led by President Bola Tinubu.

The popular actor, known for his role in the sitcom “My Flatmates,” bemoaned the consistent decline in the country’s condition with each change of government. 

Speaking passionately at a recent event, MC Pashun shared his frustrations, painting a grim picture of the ongoing struggles faced by Nigerians.

“I’m exhausted by the state of this nation, Nigeria,” he lamented. “With every transition of power, things seem to spiral further downward. 

It’s almost as if our politicians convene to devise new methods of inflicting suffering upon the populace. Each successive government leaves us yearning for the previous one.”

The comedian’s sentiments took a surprising turn as he expressed a sentiment he never thought he would harbor: missing the era of President Buhari. 

Despite acknowledging Buhari’s flawed decisions during his tenure, MC Pashun described him as a paternal figure who, in comparison to his successor, seemed more benign.

“If someone had told me I’d long for the days of Buhari, I’d have dismissed it as absurd,” he confessed. “Yet here I am, missing Buhari. He may have made some questionable choices, but Tinubu, his successor, seems intent on exacerbating the situation.”

MC Pashun’s words echoed the frustrations felt across the nation, with many Nigerians grappling with the pervasive sense of unrest and uncertainty. 

According to him, the current administration led by Tinubu has only served to intensify the nation’s woes, leaving the populace overwhelmed and stressed.

“Nigerians are in a state of lamentation,” he remarked solemnly. “There’s no respite in sight, no peace to be found. Tinubu’s leadership is a source of constant strain for everyone. The entire country is weighed down by stress and anxiety.”

As MC Pashun’s impassioned speech concluded, it left an indelible impression on those present, serving as a poignant reminder of the hardships faced by ordinary citizens in the midst of political upheaval and economic turmoil. 

His words encapsulated the collective yearning for better days and a brighter future, where the well-being of the people takes precedence over political agendas.

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