
Govt and Police Deserted Us: Family Recounts Ordeal of Man Whose Corpse Was Kidnapped

In a harrowing tale of abandonment and anguish, the family of a man whose corpse was abducted, alongside his relatives, during their journey from Lagos to Nsukka, has leveled damning accusations against both the Enugu State Government and the Police, alleging negligence and indifference during their ordeal.

The ordeal began when the remains of Mr. Ugwuanyi Israel, hailing from Ameze Owerre, Umabor community in Nsukka Local Government Area of Enugu State, were seized by unknown assailants around Umuoka in Udi Local Government area of the State. 

Tragically, not only was the deceased’s body taken, but some of his family members were also abducted in the brazen hijack.

Following the family’s traumatic experience, compounded by the uncertainty of their loved ones’ fate, they expressed bewilderment and frustration at the apparent apathy exhibited by various levels of government and law enforcement agencies. 

Mr. Collins Ugwuanyi, the elder brother of the deceased, lamented the lack of support and empathy from authorities whose mandate is to safeguard citizens’ lives and property.

In a statement obtained by the Press, Mr. Ugwuanyi condemned what he perceived as a systemic failure on the part of the Nigerian government, from the federal to the local level, as well as the security apparatus, for their perceived abandonment in their time of need. 

“We were left to fend for ourselves, with no assistance from those tasked with protecting us. It is a betrayal of the highest order,” he exclaimed, his frustration palpable.

Moreover, Mr. Ugwuanyi expressed dismay at the conspicuous silence of Governor Peter Mbah and Nsukka Local Government chairman, Walter Ozioko, regarding the incident, despite its widespread coverage in the media. 

The family felt neglected and ignored, questioning the humanity of those entrusted with governance.

Highlighting the disparity in law enforcement priorities, Mr. Ugwuanyi criticized the Commissioner of Police for prioritizing the arrest of a native doctor over securing the release of kidnapped individuals. 

Such misplaced focus, he argued, further compounded their distress and sense of abandonment.

The family’s anguish was further compounded by the lack of initiative from local law enforcement agencies. 

Despite reporting the incident to the police, Mr. Ugwuanyi bemoaned the lack of proactive measures taken to secure the release of their kidnapped relatives. 

The flimsy excuse of fuel costs offered by the police only served to exacerbate their despair.

Amidst the darkness of their ordeal, Mr. Ugwuanyi expressed gratitude to the Nigerian community for rallying behind them through prayers and support. 

He attributed the safe return of the kidnapped victims to divine intervention, acknowledging the resilience and compassion of the Nigerian people in times of crisis.

As the family begins to heal from their traumatic experience, their poignant narrative serves as a stark reminder of the fragility of security and the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

 It is a clarion call for accountability and empathy, urging authorities to uphold their duty to protect and serve all citizens, regardless of circumstance.

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