
Gani Adams Extends Solidarity to Olu of Warri: Yorubaland Stands with You

In a reaffirmation of historical ties and mutual solidarity, Gani Adams, the Aare Onakakanfo of Yorubaland, conveyed unwavering support to the Olu of Warri, Ogiame Atuwatse III, and the Itsekiri people during a visit to the Warri monarch’s palace. 

Adams emphasized the enduring bond between the Yoruba and Itsekiri communities, rooted in shared ancestry and common heritage.

Acknowledging the historical connection between the Yoruba and Itsekiri peoples, Adams highlighted the ancestral lineage that binds them together. 

He underscored the contributions of Itsekiri luminaries to the Yoruba cause, citing the late Pa Alfred Rewane as an exemplar of the enduring partnership between the two communities. 

Adams articulated his commitment to preserving and strengthening the historic ties that have bound the Yoruba and Itsekiri peoples together for generations.

Expressing his gratitude for Adams’ visit and acknowledgment of shared history, Oba Atuwatse, represented by the Ogwa Olusan of Warri, Brown Mene, reiterated the deep cultural and linguistic affinities between the Yoruba and Itsekiri communities. 

Mene emphasized that Itsekiri heritage is firmly rooted in Yoruba ancestry, tracing their origins to Akure, Ode-Remo in Ijebu, Ilorin, and Tapa. 

He affirmed the Itsekiri people’s unwavering commitment to their Yoruba heritage and pledged to stand in solidarity with their Yoruba brethren.

The exchange between Adams and Oba Atuwatse reflects a shared recognition of the historical, cultural, and ancestral ties that unite the Yoruba and Itsekiri communities. 

Their dialogue underscores the importance of preserving and celebrating these connections, fostering greater understanding, cooperation, and unity among diverse ethnic groups in Nigeria.

As Adams and Oba Atuwatse exchange pledges of solidarity and mutual support, they symbolize the enduring bonds of kinship and shared destiny that transcend geographic and cultural boundaries. 

Their meeting serves as a poignant reminder of the richness and diversity of Nigeria’s cultural tapestry, highlighting the strength that comes from embracing and celebrating our shared heritage. 

Through dialogue, respect, and collaboration, the Yoruba and Itsekiri communities reaffirm their commitment to forging a future built on unity, understanding, and collective prosperity.

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