
Former Senator Stands Firm in Labeling Tinubu as Drug Dealer

Former federal lawmaker and ex-vice-presidential candidate of the Labour Party, Senator Yusuf Datti Baba-Ahmed, has reiterated his stance on referring to former Lagos State governor, President Bola Tinubu, as a drug dealer. 

Speaking during an interview on Arise TV following his participation in a world press conference in Abuja with the Labour Party’s presidential candidate, Peter Obi, Baba-Ahmed defended his position.

Baba-Ahmed asserted that showing respect for Tinubu did not dissuade him from addressing the allegations. 

He highlighted reports linking the president to drug-related activities from years ago, although the Supreme Court had refrained from making rulings on such matters.

“Respecting Tinubu doesn’t mean I will not call him a drug dealer,” he emphasized. According to him, Nigerians have the right to reclaim their country, urging citizens to unite and stand against those he perceives as enemies of Nigeria.

“Remove the guns from the hands of Nigerians and redirect them against the enemies of Nigeria; Nigeria must reclaim the country! Sovereignty and power belong to the people! Democracy is the right of those who can practice it,” he passionately stated during the interview.

Baba-Ahmed’s remarks reflect his strong convictions, as he continues to express his views on the matter, underscoring the importance of active citizenship and reclaiming the nation.

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