
Economy: Vice President Shettima Sounds Alarm on Saboteurs

The Vice President, Sen. Kashim Shettima, has issued a stark warning, shedding light on the presence of saboteurs working against the economic revival efforts of the Bola Tinubu administration. 

Speaking at the Public Wealth Management Conference in Abuja on Tuesday, Shettima underscored the grave threat posed by individuals seeking to undermine the nation’s progress.

Identifying smugglers and vested political interests as the masterminds behind these subversive activities, Shettima condemned their nefarious attempts to impede the government’s agenda for economic reform. 

He revealed a recent interception of 45 trucks loaded with maize destined for neighboring countries, highlighting the scale of illicit activities endangering Nigeria’s economic stability.

Addressing the conference attendees, Shettima emphasized the urgent need for national unity and cohesion in combating these threats.

 He called upon citizens to transcend partisan divides and rally behind the collective goal of nation-building, stressing that Nigeria’s future hinges upon collaborative efforts to overcome adversity.

Expressing concern over the resurgence of political unrest fueled by divisive elements, Shettima urged vigilance against attempts to incite violence and sow discord. He reaffirmed Nigeria’s resilience in the face of external pressures, asserting that the nation’s unity will prevail despite the machinations of detractors.

Acknowledging the challenges facing the populace, Shettima appealed for patience and resilience, assuring citizens that brighter days lie ahead. 

He expressed confidence in the government’s ability to steer the nation towards prosperity, urging perseverance amidst the prevailing hardships.

In a related development, the Minister of Finance and Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Wale Edun, unveiled plans to audit the N23 trillion in Ways and Means, a form of borrowing from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). 

This initiative aims to ensure transparency and accountability in government expenditure, safeguarding against undue financial burdens on taxpayers.

Edun further outlined measures to enhance the business environment, including the elimination of unnecessary taxes and the optimization of revenue generation by Government Owned Enterprises (GOEs). 

Additionally, efforts are underway to boost oil output, thereby bolstering the country’s oil revenue and economic resilience.

As the government intensifies its efforts to combat economic sabotage and foster sustainable growth, the collective commitment of all stakeholders is imperative. 

With a shared determination to overcome obstacles and realize Nigeria’s full potential, the path to prosperity beckons through unity, diligence, and unwavering resolve.

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