
Daniel Bwala Defects from Atiku, Throws Support Behind Tinubu with Unapologetic Resolve

In a surprising twist of political allegiance, Daniel Bwala, former spokesperson for the Peoples Democratic Party Presidential Campaign Organisation, boldly announced his defection from the camp of opposition leader Atiku Abubakar, embracing President Bola Tinubu without a hint of remorse.

Bwala, who once ardently championed the cause of Atiku Abubakar, revealed his new commitment to President Tinubu during a meeting with State House Correspondents in Abuja on Wednesday. 

He expressed his recent inclination to support President Tinubu’s decisions, emphasizing that his loyalty transcends party lines.

“In the last few days, I have been expressing my surprise and appreciation to the president for the decisions he is taking. So this is not about a political party. 

And you need to know that like I said, I was with him before I left. And I was doggedly committed to him,” Bwala asserted.

His unapologetic stance echoed as he declared his unwavering dedication to contribute actively to supporting the Tinubu administration, disregarding any objections from critics. 

This move comes as a significant shift for Bwala, who was a member of the All Progressives Congress (APC) before defecting to the PDP, where he served as a spokesperson for Atiku Abubakar’s campaign in the 2023 election.

Bwala’s trajectory saw a sharp turn when he left the APC due to disagreements over the Muslim-Muslim presidential ticket in the 2023 elections. 

Subsequently, he emerged as a vocal critic of Tinubu and the ruling party, passionately denouncing their policies on television and social media.

However, his recent visit to President Tinubu signals a remarkable reversal in his political alignment. Asked about a potential return to the APC, Bwala expressed a pragmatic outlook, stating, “APC is a party. President Bola Tinubu is my motivation; if supporting him will take me to APC, so be it.”

Commending President Tinubu for his recent decisions since assuming office in May, Bwala highlighted specific actions that resonated with him. 

He praised the president’s prompt suspension of the Minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation, Betta Edu, as well as the cost-cutting measures implemented by reducing the number of entourages for the president, vice president, and other government officials.

“Some of his ministers that were allegedly reported to have committed infractions, instead of protecting them, he asked that the law should have its course and suspend somebody without wasting time. That to me is impressive because it’s about the people,” Bwala lauded.

He further underscored President Tinubu’s commitment to reducing the cost of governance, citing recent policy changes as just the beginning of a broader initiative. Bwala urged citizens to focus on policy matters rather than personal grudges, inviting scrutiny of his views on his Twitter page.

In this unexpected political realignment, Daniel Bwala’s shift from Atiku to Tinubu stands as a testament to the fluidity of political affiliations and the nuanced dynamics shaping Nigeria’s political landscape.

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