
Court Declines to Vacate Arrest Order on Ex-Gov Yahaya Bello

Former Kogi State governor Yahaya Bello faced another setback in his legal battle as Justice Emeka Nwite of the Federal High Court in Abuja firmly dismissed his plea for the vacation of an arrest order issued against him. 

The court’s decision came as a resolute response to Bello’s persistent evasion of arraignment in connection to a criminal charge, a stance that had previously landed him in contempt of court.

In a decisive ruling delivered on Friday, Justice Nwite underscored that Bello’s repeated refusal to submit himself for arraignment had stripped him of any entitlement to leniency or special consideration. 

The court unequivocally stated that Bello’s attempt to evade legal proceedings amounted to a blatant disregard for the judicial process.

Bello’s application for the discharge of the arrest warrant was summarily dismissed by the court, which emphasized the seriousness of his actions in attempting to dictate terms to the legal system from the comfort of his own quarters. 

Justice Nwite firmly rebuked Bello’s assertion that the Federal High Court lacked jurisdiction over the criminal charges leveled against him, asserting that compliance with legal procedures must precede any challenge to the court’s authority.

The former governor’s argument, presented on April 23, sought to invalidate the arrest warrant on the grounds that his legal representative had accepted service of the criminal charges on his behalf. 

However, this attempt to circumvent the legal consequences of his actions was swiftly rebuffed by the court, which upheld the principle that Bello must first appear for arraignment and enter a plea before any further legal maneuvering could take place.

The ruling marked yet another chapter in the legal saga surrounding Bello’s alleged involvement in a high-profile money laundering case, wherein he stands accused of misappropriating a staggering sum of N80 billion. 

Despite his efforts to evade accountability, the court’s steadfast refusal to grant him leeway serves as a stark reminder that no individual, regardless of their former stature, is above the law.

As the legal proceedings against him continue, Yahaya Bello finds himself increasingly isolated in his attempts to evade justice, with each legal setback underscoring the unwavering commitment of the judiciary to uphold the rule of law.

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