
“Controversy Erupts as Mr Ibu’s Wife Requests Car Amidst Husband’s Illness – Clash with Daughter Jasmine Continues”

Netizens are buzzing with opinions on the ongoing feud between Nollywood star Mr Ibu’s wife, Stella Maris, and his adopted daughter, Jasmine Okafor, revolving around his financial contribution.

Previously reported by GIST LOVER, tensions arose between Jasmine and Stella over a donation intended for the ailing star. 

Gistlover alleges that Stella, eyeing a luxurious lifestyle, expressed her desire to use the funds for extravagant purchases, including an iPhone 15 and new cars. 

According to the blog, Stella allegedly withdrew N1 million from the donation through her account.

In response, Stella Maris accused Jasmine of trying to alienate her from her marriage. 

She vowed to address Jasmine’s unwarranted involvement in family matters, dismissing the accusations as malicious.

Critics were quick to slam Stella, questioning the appropriateness of her desire for a car while her husband is unwell. 

Aphrodite Zee wondered, “Why talk about a car when your husband is sick? Is that a priority?”

 Mees Rammy criticized Stella for constant fights over money, especially funds intended for hospital runs. 

Grace Luv expressed disbelief, asking, “Which good wife asks for a car during her husband’s trying time? Shame.”

Tiwa Tade called attention to Stella’s indirect request for a car from her husband’s health donations, deeming it disgraceful. 

Nony 4 Real highlighted the negative impact such disputes could have on Mr Ibu’s health, emphasizing the importance of focusing on his recovery rather than financial disagreements.

Princess Is Royalty questioned Stella’s commitment to her husband, given her public statements. 

Mena Doros credited Jasmine for Mr Ibu’s proper treatment and awareness, warning about the consequences if she were to leave. 

Sassy Official defended Jasmine, emphasizing her significant role in supporting Mr Ibu’s medical expenses.

Ozee Vip criticized Stella’s labeling of Jasmine as a total stranger, reminding her that the donors were not strangers either. 

The comment condemned Stella as ungrateful, sparking further discussions about the ethics of handling the donation.

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