
EFCC Vows to Intensify Crackdown on Businesses and Individuals Dealing in Dollars

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has announced its unwavering commitment to curbing the proliferation…

CBN Stops Opay, Moniepoint, Others From Onboarding New Customers

In a significant move, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has implemented a directive halting mobile…

EFCC Lodges Fresh Charges Against Godwin Emefiele: Alleges Unlawful Printing of Naira

In a legal saga that continues to unfold, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has…

Binance Collaborating with Nigeria to Resolve Official’s Detention, Says CEO

Richard Teng, the CEO of cryptocurrency exchange Binance, has affirmed the company’s commitment to working closely…

Naira: Inflation Bites Harder, Rendering N20, N10, N5 ‘Irrelevant’

As inflation tightens its grip, the lower denominations of the Naira currency are losing their purchasing…

Naira best-performing currency in April

Naira has emerged as the star performer in the currency market for the month of April,…

BDCs back CBN’s directive stopping use of domiciliary accounts as collateral

The Association of Bureaux de Change Operators of Nigeria (ABCON) has voiced its support for the…

Naira Appreciation: CBN Initiates Dollar Sales to BDCs at N1,101

In a move aimed at bolstering the value of the Naira in the foreign exchange market,…

CBN New Capital Base: Top 5 banks in N1.5trn shortfall

The financial landscape in Nigeria is undergoing a seismic shift as the Central Bank of Nigeria…

EFCC obtains order to track Nigerians transacting on Binance

The Federal High Court in Abuja has taken a significant step in the fight against financial…

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