
Bauchi Police declare controversial Islamic cleric wanted

The Bauchi State Police Command has issued a notice declaring the controversial Islamic cleric, Dr. Idris Abdul’azeez, wanted on grounds of alleged ‘Contempt of Court.’ 

The issuance of this warrant marks a pivotal turn in the ongoing legal saga surrounding Abdul’azeez’s defiance of judicial proceedings.

Outlined in a Special Gazette Bulletin authorized by the Inspector-General of Police, the notice serves as a call to action for citizens to aid law enforcement in locating the whereabouts of the 63-year-old cleric. 

Authorities have urged individuals possessing any pertinent information to promptly come forward, emphasizing the urgency of the matter for the sake of upholding the rule of law.

Describing the physical attributes of Abdul’azeez, the police depicted him as having a dark complexion, slim build, with distinct features including a diamond-shaped face, brown eyes, and grey hair. 

The last known sighting of the cleric places him in Dutsen Tanshi, Bauchi State, heightening the urgency of the search efforts.

Additionally, the notice tantalizingly dangled the promise of a “handsome reward” for individuals instrumental in facilitating Abdul’azeez’s apprehension, further incentivizing cooperation from the public in bringing the fugitive cleric to justice.

This development serves as the latest chapter in a protracted legal battle stemming from Abdul’azeez’s persistent defiance of court orders. 

The Upper Shari’a court in Bauchi had previously issued an arrest warrant for the cleric after he failed to comply with summons to appear for trial, exacerbating tensions surrounding his case.

Abdul’azeez stands accused of grave offenses, including alleged incitement of public disturbance of peace and blasphemy, charges that have ignited fervent debate and scrutiny within both legal and religious circles. 

The cleric’s purported blasphemous remarks against Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) and prominent Dariqa clerics during a Ramadan Tafsir session have further inflamed tensions and amplified calls for his swift apprehension.

As the search intensifies and the spotlight on Abdul’azeez’s case grows ever brighter, the Bauchi Police’s declaration of the cleric as wanted underscores the unwavering commitment of law enforcement to uphold the principles of justice and ensure accountability within society. 

The unfolding saga surrounding Abdul’azeez serves as a poignant reminder of the complex intersection between religious freedom, legal jurisdiction, and societal norms, resonating far beyond the confines of Bauchi State.

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