
APC Lawmaker Stands Firm, Offers Explanation for ‘I Know Whom We Know’ Remark

Yusuf Gagdi, a member of the House of Representatives representing the APC, has provided clarification for his controversial statement, “I know whom we know,” defending it during a live appearance on Channels Television’s Politics Today on Monday.

Gagdi faced criticism after making the statement at a public gathering, where he remarked, “At the Supreme Court, we will know who they know and they will know who we know.” Calls for a public apology ensued in response to the comments.

In response, Gagdi explained that the phrase has been a consistent part of his political messaging since the beginning of his political journey. 

He stated, “From the day of my political journey, my slogan has always been ‘we know whom they know, but they don’t know whom we know.'”

Providing historical context, the 43-year-old lawmaker cited video evidence of using the statement during his campaigns for the Plateau State House of Assembly and the National Assembly in both his first and second tenures.

“Why was that not a problem to them when I was campaigning for the House of Assembly and my first tenure as a member of the House of Representatives?” he questioned.

Gagdi emphasized the importance of listening carefully to the phrase, pointing out that when he says ‘we know whom,’ he means ‘we know God.’ 

He asserted that opponents might be underestimating the power of faith, stating, “Maybe I am confronting someone who thinks his power can give him what God cannot give him.”

Gagdi reiterated the need for him to assert with strength that ‘we know whom you know, but you don’t know whom we know.’

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