
‘Abortion is Murder’ – Odumodublvck Asserts Strong Anti-Abortion Stance

On the latest episode of the Zero Conditions podcast, Tochukwu Ojogwu, the renowned Nigerian rapper popularly known as Odumodublvck, has emphatically declared his vehement opposition to abortion, categorizing it as nothing less than “murder.” 

Unveiling his convictions on this contentious topic, Odumodublvck ardently expressed that his belief in the sanctity of life is rooted in his religious faith.

“I, Odumodu, don’t believe in abortion. I perceive it as murder because that’s what my Bible tells me,” he declared with unwavering conviction. 

His sentiments echo a deep-seated religious perspective, suggesting a moral obligation dictated by his faith. In the same breath, he alluded to a hypothetical encounter with Jesus, asserting confidently, “I know if I come face to face with Jesus, he would tell me that abortion is not right. 

So, no human being made of flesh can tell me that it is right.”

Beyond his strong stance on abortion, Odumodublvck also took issue with the prevailing notion that “prostitution is a profession.” 

According to him, “the body belongs to God,” a perspective that challenges societal norms and prevailing attitudes towards certain occupations.

The backdrop to Odumodublvck’s vocal stance on abortion is the current zeitgeist in the Nigerian entertainment scene, where the topic has become a focal point of discussion. NAIJA UPDATE reports a surge in interest surrounding abortion, especially following the controversial statement made by former Big Brother Naija reality show winner, Phyna.

Phyna’s assertion that “most women have done abortion” sparked a national uproar, igniting conversations about the prevalence of abortion within Nigerian society. 

The comment not only triggered intense public scrutiny but also prompted a range of responses, exposing the varying perspectives on this deeply divisive issue.

Odumodublvck’s proclamation adds another layer to the ongoing discourse. As a prominent figure in the Nigerian entertainment industry, his strong anti-abortion stance is likely to amplify the conversation surrounding reproductive rights and moral values. 

The collision of cultural, religious, and personal beliefs within the public sphere highlights the complexity of the abortion debate and underscores the need for nuanced discussions that encompass diverse perspectives.

In a landscape where opinions on abortion remain polarized, Odumodublvck’s unwavering commitment to his convictions introduces a compelling dimension to the discourse, raising questions about the intersection of faith, morality, and personal autonomy. 

As the debate continues to unfold, it is clear that the topic of abortion will remain a contentious and deeply ingrained aspect of societal dialogue in Nigeria and beyond.

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