
I’ve dated seven men but none of them married me – Tolanibaj laments

Tolanibaj, a former Big Brother Naija reality star and accomplished disc jockey, opened up about her romantic disappointments, expressing her lament that none of the seven men she had dated in the past eventually married her. 

This revelation came to light during the latest episode of the Bahd And Boujee Podcast, where Tolanibaj co-hosts alongside actress Moet Abebe. 

As she delved into her dating experiences, Tolanibaj shared the heartache of believing in each relationship as a potential path to marriage, only to find herself repeatedly left behind.

Her narrative unfolded with a poignant reflection on her romantic journey. 

Tolanibaj revealed that she had been in seven different relationships, and in each instance, she harbored genuine hopes that the person she was with would be her future husband. 

However, to her dismay, these relationships did not culminate in the desired commitment of marriage.

“I feel like in the dating pool, we are left with remnants. 

The good ones are married. We hopped on the train too late. I have dated like seven guys, and I thought they were the ones…” Tolanibaj expressed during the podcast, shedding light on the emotional toll of her romantic endeavors.

This candid admission underscores the vulnerability and challenges individuals face in the pursuit of lasting love. Tolanibaj’s realization that what remains in the dating pool are “remnants’ ‘ highlights the complex dynamics of modern relationships, where timing and circumstances play pivotal roles.

As the podcast continued, actor Daniel Etim-Effiong, a guest on the show, introduced a thought-provoking perspective. 

He gently suggested that the issue might not solely rest with the men Tolanibaj had dated but could involve introspection on her part.

 In a sensitive yet significant remark, he inferred, “Tbaj, the problem cannot be all these seven guys. Maybe, the problem is you.”

This introspective turn in the conversation adds depth to the narrative, prompting considerations of self-awareness, personal growth, and the intricate nature of relationships. 

Tolanibaj’s experience becomes a relatable story for many who navigate the complexities of modern dating, grappling with the challenges and uncertainties inherent in matters of the heart.

The dialogue initiated on the Bahd And Boujee Podcast transcends Tolanibaj’s personal journey, resonating with listeners who may find solace, empathy, or introspection in her story. 

It contributes to the broader conversation about the evolving landscape of relationships, where each experience, regardless of outcome, becomes a stepping stone towards self-discovery and resilience in the pursuit of enduring love.

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